Selling Yarns 2

Innovation for sustainability



Craft Australia respects the rights of all artists and copyright holders and encourages others to do likewise. Works, not produced by Craft Australia, that appear on this website do so with the consent of the artist/s or copyright holder. Any reproduction of these images, photographs or written material is subject to copyright and may not be downloaded or reproduced without the express written permission of the copyright holder.

Credits for images appearing on this website:
 Bottles, 2006
ArtistRobyn Djunginy
 Ramingining NT
MaterialsPandanus, natural dyes, coiling techinque. (left to right) 58.3 x 37.5 cm (diam); 43.6 x 33.5 cm (diam); 78.6 x 43.5 cm (diam); 43.9 x 25.8 cm (diam)
ExhibitionReCoil, Change & Exchange in Coiled Fibre Art, curated by Margie West
 River Bunyip, 2003
ArtistYvonne Koolmatrie
 Berri SA
MaterialsSedge, 89 x 138 x 78 cm
ExhibitionReCoil, Change & Exchange in Coiled Fibre Art, curated by Margie West
Courtesy Tropman collection
 Morika Biljabu
Emerging multimedia talent
The Canning Stock Route Project
Photo: Tim Acker
 Coiled Basket
ArtistLucy Armstrong
Photo: Louise Hamby
ArtistHelen Guyula
Photo: Louise Hamby
Artist  Basket in progress, Vicki West
Photo: Lucia Rossi

See also: Copyright for information and contact details.